Senior High School Library

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The Library Instructional Program (LIP) introduces students to a wide range of electronic and print resources as well as to develop skills and knowledge needed in doing research, assignments or projects. It intends to enhance their research and reading skills suited with the birth of information overload and to be capable of locating and evaluating information resources effectively. The BEU Libraries collaborate with the teaching faculty of the different subject areas to facilitate learning and prepares activities that are appropriate to all levels. Four standards for information literacy are identified with specific outcomes for each standard grouped under the categories; skills, dispositions in action, responsibilities and self-assessment strategies. 

The Library Instruction Program is composed of four components: The Library Orientation, Efficient and Effective Search for Information, Information Literacy Skills, and Utilization and Maximization of Library Resources. Students and Faculty are given annual orientation and re-orientation on the library resources and services. The designated librarians of the Senior High School prepared the Library Module which contains the topics and Literacy skills that are relevant to the needs of the students.

SHS LIBRARY CONDUCTS DIGITAL POSTER MAKING CONTEST in celebration to the 89th National Book Week

December 5, 2023

  1. The contest is open to all Senior High School Students 
  2. Each contestant should submit ONE entry only 
  3. The poster must illustrate, interpret and emphasize the theme of the 89th National Book Week Celebration with the theme READ.REREAD.RELIVE 
  4. The contestant may use any software applications or media for digital posters 
  5. The digital posters will be judged according to the following criteria.


Creativity and Presentation 40% 

Originality                                  30% 

Relevance                                   30% 

Total                                            100%