Online Survey Dear Paulinians: Please take a moment to complete our questionnaire and tell us how we are doing. * First Last Email Address * Year: * — Select — 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year 5th Year Department — Select — SASTE SBAHM SITE SNAHS SOM GRADUATE SCHOOL SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL Option-8 CUSTOMER SERVICE 1. Library staff treat me fairly and without discrimination * Always Mostly Sometimes Never 2. Library staff are professional in their dealings with me * Always Mostly Sometimes Never 3. Library Staff are approachable and friendly * Always Mostly Sometimes Never 4. Library staff take an interest in me and my needs * Always Mostly Sometimes Never 5. Library staff give my inquiries appropriate response * Always Mostly Sometimes Never 6. Library staff respond clearly and accurately to inquiries * Always Mostly Sometimes Never 7. Library staff provide quality service * Always Mostly Sometimes Never 8. Library staff keep me informed about new services and collections * Always Moslty Sometimes Never FACILITIES 1. I am able to access workstations in the library * Always Mostly Sometimes Never 2. Computer facilities and electronic equipment are accessible * Always Mostly Sometimes Never 3. Printing facilities are adequate * Always Mostly Sometimes Never 4. Borrowing facilities are good * Always Mostly Sometimes Never 5. Group study facilities are adequate * Always Mostly Sometimes Never 6. Photocopying facilities are adequate * Always Mostly Sometimes Never 7. Library staff keep me informed about new services and collections * Always Mostly Sometimes Never 8. Library space is adequate * Always Mostly Sometimes Never 9. Opening hours are adequate * Always Mostly Sometimes Never 10. Study space in the library is adequate * Always Mostly Sometimes Never Library Holdings / Resources 1. Resources are appropriate for my course needs * Always Mostly Sometimes Never 2. The library's collection meets my research needs * Always Mostly Sometimes Never 3. Resources are up to date and relevant * Always Mostly Sometimes Never 4. Resources are easy to find * Always Mostly Sometimes Never 5. Suggestions to find resources elsewhere are good * Always Mostly Sometimes Never 6. Recommendations for new or different resources are listened to by library staff * Always Mostly Sometimes Never 7. I usually find the resources I need * Always Mostly Sometimes Never Electronic Resources 1. I find the OPAC useful * Always Mostly Sometimes Never 2. I use any electronic journals listed on the library catalogue * Always Mostly Sometimes Never 3. I use databases in my research. (EBSCO, HINARI, DOAJ, etc.) * Always Mostly Sometimes Never 4. I use KDC resources * Always Mostly Sometimes Never Comments and Suggestions How often do you use the library? -why/why not? How do you generally assess the library services? Please comment on any services you would like to see offered in the library that are currently unavailable Year Graduated